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66 ميليون نفر از شما فيلم مهمان بعدي ما رو ديدن
اما داستان اون بيش از داستان يک کافه چي رقاص هست

اسمش سم هست و به اوتيسم مبتلاست
بهش گفته بودند که هيچکس استخدامش نميکنه اما ...

يک مدير استار باکس به اسم کريس يک موقعيت فوق العاده به او داد

از تورنتوي کانادا به سم و کريس خوش آمد بگيد

سلام خيلي ممنون که اومديد.اولين با هست که به برنامه ي گفتگو مياي؟

بله،من عاشق...اولين بار هست اومدم اينجا و يکي طرفداراي بزرگ شما هستم

اوه خيلي ممنونم منم يکي از طرفداراي بزرگ تو هستم.

شما دوتا چجوري با هم آشنا شدين؟

خب من و سم توي يک کمپ به اسم آيست با هم آشنا شديم

و توي اين کمپي که ما رفتيم بچه هايي رو ملاقات کرديم که اوتيسم داشتن

وقتي با سم آشنا شدم.اون همه چيز رو به من گفت و گفت که يکي از آرزوهاش اين هست که کافه چي بشه
و سعي کردم اون رو به آرزوش برسونم

يعني ... اين عاليه!

خب شما توي کمپ با هم آشنا شديد،کي مصاحبه داشتيد؟

امم... سم!

خب،من رفتم مغازه و فکر کردم که قراره يک مصاحبه ي شغلي رسمي داشته باشم.

اما کريس فقط گفت : تو براي اين شغل قبولي، و اون لحظه زندگيم به کلي عوض شد،دنياي من عوض شد

آره،قطعا همينطوره،قطعا همينطوره!

ميخوام بگم... اين شغليه که هميشه آرزو داشتي

ميخوام بگم که چقدر قشنگه که با هم آشنا شدين و بلافاصله يه رابطه ي قوي بين شما ايجاد شد و تو... خب...

اون پشت ميرقصيدي،به بقيه بگو چرا ميرقصيدي؟

خب دليل اصلي رقصيدنم اينه...

که بتونم تمرکز کنم چون وقتي ميرقصم خيلي بهتر ميتونم تمرکز کنم و ... همين.

منم همينطور!


منم همينطور،وقتي ميرقصم بهتر ميتونم تمرکز کنم،که البته خيلي خوب نمي رقصم

بذار من کاملش کنم،به خاطر حرکات لقوه اي سم که ناشي از اوتيسمش هست،با موزيک و رقص ميتونه خودش رو کنترل کنه و روي نوشيدني ها و کارها تمرکز کنه.

اينطوري راحت تره

و داره عالي پيش ميره

آهان خب کار با کريس رو دوست داري؟

آره رئيس خيلي خوبيه

و همچنين براي من يک دوست خيلي خيلي خوبه!

و با هيچي توي دنيا عوضش نميکنم


آره اون عاليه!

عاليه،17 ساله؟


خب از وقتي سم رو استخدام کردي تغييري توش ديدي؟

واي خداي من ، اولين بار که سم رو ديدم يک کم خجالتي بود و راحت نبود براش که توي چشمم نگاه کنه

اما توي اين مدت ديدم که سم با مشتري هامون خيلي خوش رفتاري ميکنه

و همه ي نوشيدني ها رو ميتونه درست کنه

خيلي صميمي هست و توي کارش مستقله

و احتمالا روي تو هم تاثير گذاشته

واي خداي من سم قلب خيلي بزرگي داره و باعث شده آدم بهتري بشم

ميدون توي همچين ماجراهايي که مثلا بهت گفتن کسي بهت کار نميده و نميتوني شغلي پيدا کني

تو اين ابطه رو ايجاد کردي و به سم کار دادي او داره به سرعت پيشرفت ميکنه هم به عنوان کارمند و هم از نظر شخصيتي و هم زمان هم به تو کمک ميکنه،اميدوارم افراد بيشتري اين رو ببينن که در حقيقت ميشه به کساني که ظاهرا نميشه بهشون کار داد کار بديم

اميدوارم افراد بيشتري اين کار رو بکنند

عاليه،ميخوام بگم و سم اميدوارم بدوني که به خيلي ها که دارن اين برنامه رو ميبينند انگيزه ميدي

و تو هم به همه انگيزه ميدي،واقعا آدم خوبي هستي که به سم کار دادي،اما اين واقعا شگفت انگيزه

تو از انعام پول در مياري و من ميخوام مطمئن شم که تا جاي ممکن انعام ميگيري،پس يک شيشه براي انعام بهت ميدم



ببين يک دست هم اونجا دارم که نشون ميده پول رو کجا بذارن

سم يه جايي هست که هميشه... تو سفر دوست داري درسته؟


هميشه دوست داشتي کجا بري؟

از وقتي 4 سالم بود هميشه ژاپن رو تحسين ميکردم

ژاپن؟از چهار سالگي؟


پس يه دليلي داره که دوست داري بري ژاپن

و چون ما دوست داريم تو به آرزوت برسي مي فرستيمت بري ژاپن

دوستان ما در شاتر فلاي ميخوان که تو لذت هاي زندگي رو به بقيه هم بدي و اين واقعا عالي ميشه

و بي صبرانه منتظر رفتنت هستم چون از وقتي 4 سالت بود ميخواستي بري ژاپن

ما براي تو هم يک هديه داريم کريس تو طرفدار پر و پا قرص تيم تورنتو رپتورز هستي،پس تماشا کن

سلام دوستان من کايل هستم
و ماساي و دمار هم اينجا پيش من هستن

دوستمون الن گفت که چقدر طرفدار تيم رپتورز هستي ما هم براي تشکر يک چيزي بهت ميديم چون اهل يوتيوب هستيم

بدون طرفدارايي مثل شما ما نميتونيم کاري که توي زمين انجام ميديم رو انجام بديم

از طرف تيم رپتورز ما ازت ميخوايم بياي با ما و بقيه بازيکن ها تمرين کني

و به يک بازي هم دعوتت ميکنيم ممنون الن.

ممنون الن

قراره تيم محبوبت رو ببيني و به عنوان وي آي پي باهات رفتار ميشه

و چندتا خرت و پرت هم برات فرستادن

واي خداي من

بریم و برگردیم
Title:Ellen Meets the Dancing Barista


66 million of you have watched
our next guest's video but

there's more to his story than
just being a dancing barista.

His name is Sam and he's autistic.

Sam was told he would
never be employable but

he was given an incredible opportunity
by a Starbucks manager named Chris.

From Toronto Canada
please welcome Sam and Chris.

Hey thank you so much for being here.

This is your first talk show?

Yeah I love It's my first time
being here and I'm a huge fan of you.

Well thanks so much.

I'm a huge fan of you.

So how did you two meet?

Well Sam and
I met at a camp called I Said

Camp Fry was a camp where we went to
we got to meet kids with autism

Sam really stood out to me when I actually
met him he told me one of his dreams

he wanted to be is a barista
and I tried to make that happen.

So that's amazing.

Okay so you met at the camp and

then how long after was the interview?


So I went to the store and I thought
I was gonna get a formal interview.

But then Chris just said
you got the job.

In that moment my life changed.

My whole world changed.

Yeah I bet it did.

I mean


It's your dream job.

I mean what an amazing thing that you
meet and have this instant connection and

you go in.

Okay so you're dancing behind there
tell everybody why you're dancing.
So basically
the reason I dance is to concentrate.

I concentrate a lot better when I dance.

And yeah.

Me too.


Yeah me too

I concentrate a lot better when I dance
which is not really that good.

Well I could add on to that.
Through Sam's jerky movement
through his autism the music and

the dance was able for
him to control himself.
Focus on the drinks
focus on the routines.

He's become more comfortable
and he's been doing so great.

Yeah so you like working with Chris?

Yeah he's an amazing boss

and he's also like a really
really good friend.

And I wouldn't give

him up for anything.

Pretty amazing.

Pretty amazing.

You're years old?

years old.

So have you seen you must have

you must see a change in
Sam since you hired him.

My gosh when I first met Sam
he was a little shy.

He had heart trouble
looking me in the eye.

Through the progression I've seen Sam
being so outgoing with our customers.

He's been able to make all the drinks.

He's so friendly and he works independent.

And he's probably changed you too.

My gosh.

Sam has such a big heart and
he's made me a better person.

In stories like this to hear that
you're told you would be unemployable

that you're not be able to work
and you make this connection.

And you give Sam a job and
he's excelling as an employee and

as a person and
helping you at the same time.

I hope more people see this and

see that you actually can hire people
that you think you shouldn't hire.

And I hope more people do that right now.

That's fantastic.

And then.


I hope you know you're an inspiration

I mean to so many people watching
right now you're a huge inspiration.
You're an amazing guy that you hired Sam.

But this is incredible.

You make money by tips right?

I want to make sure you get
as many tips as possible.

I'm going to give you a tip jar.



All right all right see and

I have an arm that shows people where
to put the money and everything.

Sam there's a place that you've always.

You love to travel right?

Where is a place that

you've always wanted to go?

Since I was about four
I've always admired Japan.

Japan since you were four years old.

So you're drawn to go to Japan for

some reason.
Well we wanna make sure your dreams
come true so you're going to Japan.


That's right.

Our friends

at Shutterfly want you to share life's
joy so that's gonna be amazing.

I can't wait to hear this obviously
you're supposed to go there.

Four years old wanting to go to Japan.

And we have something for you too Chris.

You're a big fan of the Toronto Raptors
and I want you to look at this.

Hi guys.
Kyle Lowry here.
I have Masai and DeMar with me.

Our good friend Ellen told us
how big a Raptor fan you are.

To show our appreciation
we got something for you
because we are such big fans of you two.

We couldn't do the things on the court
that we do without fans like you.

On behalf of the Raptors

we want to invite you to our practice
meet all our guys our players and

also invite you to our game.

So thanks Ellen.

Thanks Ellen.

You'll meet the team and

get VIP treatment [NOISE] And
they send some swag.

My God.

We'll be right back.

نظرات کاربران

برای ثبت نظر به اپلیکیشن مانامو مراجعه نمایید.

mizi 1399/06/24

we are bad people ما انسانهای بدی هستیم

zahra1356 1399/06/03

bars one's heart
حرف دل خود را زدن

mehrad3292 1399/05/25

Dance makes a person happyرقص باعث میشه که انسان شاد شه

omid00202 1399/05/22

we are bad people
ما انسانهای بدی هستیم

Amin1372 1399/05/19

we are bad people ...
ما انسانهای بدی هستیم...

maryamjjm 1399/05/19

i need to a coffeecup.من به یک فنجان قهوه نیازدارم

parsa1389 1399/05/17

I need to a CoffeeCup من به یک فنجان قهوه نیاز دارم

sajadsajad 1399/05/10

we are bad peopleما انسان های بدی هستیم

mobinanejat 1399/05/10

we are bad people
ما انسان های بدی هستیم

ar0930 1399/05/09

Ellen cafe chi meets the Dancer This movie was very strange and great

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